About St. Mary’s

St Mary’s School is in Robinvale, North West Victoria, on the banks of the beautiful Murray River. As a border community, Robinvale has a close affiliation with Euston, NSW. The two towns are connected via a bridge across the Murray River. St Mary's caters for students from Robinvale, Euston and the surrounding district, all of which are considered growth areas.

Robinvale and the surrounding districts are predominantly farming areas that specialise in table grape production, wine grape production, almond and olive oil production, carrots, avocados as well as dry land farming.

As a rural town, Robinvale has a distinct sense of community, it is vibrant, friendly and proudly multicultural. At St Mary's we aim to provide an environment where people from all backgrounds feel safe and valued. We offer a quality education that recognises and respects the diversity of all our students, families and the wider community.

St Mary’s enrolments reflect the community’s cultural diversity. Approximately 30% of our students speak a language other than English at home. Our population includes people of many faith backgrounds, philosophies and world views which adds a unique richness to our inclusive and welcoming school environment.

St Mary’s has a current enrolment of approximately 290 students and has a Primary and Secondary school component. The Primary School is divided into four units: Foundation, Junior (Years 1 & 2), Middle (Years 3 & 4) and Senior (Years 5 & 6). The Secondary School consists of Years 7 & 8. This composition is unique in our Diocese.

St Mary’s teachers are highly skilled professionals who are committed to their students. They work in collaborative teams and focus on meeting the specific needs of each individual student at every point in their education and development. Staff constantly strive to ensure each student learns to their full capacity. Working in high functioning teams, our teachers plan together, carefully consider student data, use their collective knowledge and skill to inform their teaching and learn from each other. In addition to the teaching staff, a dedicated leadership team and committed support staff work closely with teachers to ensure every child in the school has access to the assistance they need to be their best while delivering a robust, comprehensive, contemporary and engaging curriculum.

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Our Mission

At St. Mary’s, We:

  • Strengthen our Catholic culture by raising the profile of Mary Help of Christians, our patron saint, and develop Mercy Charism within the school and across the Parish.

  • Live our Catholic Mercy Values of Respect, Compassion, Justice, Hospitality, Service and Courage

  • Build a shared vision of contemporary teaching and learning, where every student is empowered, challenged and supported.

  • Practise contemporary teaching and learning so every student is empowered, challenged and supported to achieve high levels of learning.

  • Provide a Child Safe, inclusive and nurturing environment that caters for the uniqueness of each student and builds positive relationships.

  • Be educators who collaboratively promote a positive environment amongst staff, students and families with direction and leadership.

  • Work in partnership with parish, diocesan and local communities to enhance St Mary's Catholic identity.​

Teaching and Learning

Our school is focused on providing a contemporary learning environment and continues to evaluate programs for their relevance to living in the twenty-first century. The use of research and data to inform decisions about learning and teaching, have contributed to a change in culture in this area.

The learning and teaching in the early years builds a strong foundation that supports our beliefs and understandings that children who engage in complex forms of socio-dramatic investigations have greater language skills and better developed social skills, empathy and imagination.

Student Welfare

All staff promote a positive wellbeing philosophy based on high expectations for all students within a nurturing environment. It is the basis upon which student learning is developed and extended.

Child Safety

At St Mary’s Robinvale, we consider the care, safety, and well-being of children and young people a central and fundamental responsibility. Our commitment is drawn from and inherent to the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice, and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel (CECV Commitment Statement to Child Safety).

Statement of Democratic Principles

St Mary’s aims to promote lifelong learning and active participation as citizens in Australian society. Learning and teaching practice is based on an integrated curriculum and implemented through an inquiry approach. An important focus of curriculum development and implementation is the focus on Community and Citizenship, which is developed and explored in line with the Victorian Curriculum's Essential Learning Standards - Civics and Citizenship Domain.

The programs of St Mary’s, and the teaching of those programs support and promote:

  • the principles and practice of Australian democracy;

  • the elected government;

  • the rule of law;

  • equal rights for all before the law;

  • freedom of religion;

  • freedom of speech and association; and,

  • values of openness and tolerance.